Private Healing Session

Are you feeling stuck and need guidance and release? In this 90 minute private energetic healing session, we first will begin talking to see what you are needing and wanting from this session, as well as setting your intention for our time together. Alicia will begin connecting to God/Source for guidance, and may ask deeper questions to get to the root of what is holding you back. Then, we will move over to the table where you will be invited to fully relax your body and mind as Alicia gently grounds you, and clears old energy from the body. She will stabilize and bring in healing energy where your body needs it most. With permission, chords and attachments will be released and cut. Additional tools can and will be implemented to customize your healing experience, such as: guided meditation, sound healing, channeled messages, moxibustion, and scalp massage. Past life, ancestral and current life trauma may be addressed.
$150 for 90 minutes
$200 for 120 minutes
Ayurvedic Session

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.
We spend 1.5 - 2 hours during the first meeting doing a FULL intake of your health; throughout your life, including all current symptoms. From there, we make a plan to slowly implement changes that will help bring your health back to a state of balance, through diet, lifestyle, and herbs. A Minimum of 6 sessions is suggested for best results.
Each additional session after the first will be 60 minutes.
Herbal Formulations may be suggested (churnas, capsules, herbal jams, etc). Additional cost for products.
$200 Initial Intake Session
$100 each additional Session
$600 for a 6 session package, including initial intake
Private Channeling and Intuitive Readings

Are you looking for guidance? Do you have questions and feel stuck or lost? Whatever questions you may have, you may ask. I connect to my Higher Self and guides with your questions with the intention to bring you answers. I work only with the highest good, and answer only for that which serves the highest good of all.
Pendulum, oracle, and tarot cards may also be used. In person or via zoom.
$30 for 15 minutes
$55 for 30 minutes
$75 for 45 minutes
$100 for 60 minutes
Chakra Balancing

Do you feel energetically stuck? Tired? Out of sorts? This is the perfect tune up session to check the major wheel houses of your energetic body. Everything is energy, and if our energy is stuck somewhere, we just don't feel right. This is where "dis-ease" begins; when energy is unable to move freely.
Alicia will guide you into peaceful relaxation, activating your energetic light field in this 45 minute chakra balancing session. Drift off into a deepened space of peace as Alicia explores all 11 of your vital chakras, from the Earth star, all the way up to the Stellar Gateway (your connection to the Divine); checking for imbalances, over or under activity, and any blockages.
Any old energy that is ready to be released will be cleared. Crystals and energy will be used to balance all of the chakras in order for energy to flow freely through the body, so that you may feel ease as you move about your day.
$85 for 45 minute session​
Spiritual Counseling & Life Coaching

Are you looking for effective talk therapy that helps you get to the root of what's holding you back? Are you looking for a holistic approach to healing trauma, anxiety, and/or depression? In these 55 minute sessions, we combine talk therapy, with goal & intention setting, and use meditation when needed. Alicia provides a safe and sacred space for you to connect with your inner child, where that inner child is free to be heard; to fully be; to explore your emotions, to experience your feelings, to voice your truth, and to reconnect back to the power that lies within you.
Alicia will help guide you to connect with the shadow aspects of self that have been abandoned and/or rejected, love them, and integrate them back into your being. The goal is to help you live authentically and fully in your truth and power, with full acceptance. Make peace with your past, your self, and all those who have played a role in your life.
Available in person or via zoom.
$125 per session or
$1000 for 10 session package ($250 savings)
Pre-Teen & Teen Session

Do you have a daughter that is struggling with self esteem and self worth? Are you looking for a holistic approach to healing trauma, anxiety, and/or depression? As a teen who struggled myself, and as a mom raising two daughters, these sessions are very dear to my heart. I have worked a lot with kids, and my approach is different from that of a traditional therapist, or from my traditional healing sessions with adults.
Typically, weekly, or bimonthly sessions are best for your pre teen or teen daughter to really connect back within herself; to trust, to begin removing any barriers and walls that she has built up to protect herself, and to explore the root cause of whatever issues she is facing. I provide a safe container to allow her to fully just be; to explore her emotions, to experience her feelings, to voice her truth, and to reconnect back to the power that lies within her. Some sessions will utilize guided meditations, breathing techniques, movement, and or drumming; dependent solely on what will best serve your daughter for the highest good. All sessions are completely confidential.
Prepaid package: $325 for 5 sessions ​
Private Group Sacred Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao ceremonies date back 5900 years ago, and began in South America. The Native tribes would sip cacao in ceremony for its medicinal and healing properties. This ceremonial cacao is sourced from a small family farm in Guatemala. It is lovingly harvested and prepared with intention to keep the cacao plant pure and the practice sacred. Cacao allows the energy within to flow freely, and helps you connect and live through your heart space, while your mind relaxes. This ceremony can be customized to meet your group needs. Sound healing, music, and channeled messages are implemented to integrate the cacao, followed by a group discussion. This private ceremony holds a maximum of 12 individuals if onsite location. Can hold more if travelling to you. Will travel within a 15 mile radius for an additional $40. 90 minute ceremony.
Starting at $250 (for group of 8, $11 per additional participant up to 12). Also available to travel to your home or location of choice.
Private & Group Sound Healing

60 minute sacred sound healing experience utilizing crystal sound bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, rain sticks, koshi chimes, and more, all infused with the universal energy of love. Channeled messages directly from Source come through during each sound healing experience.
Sound therapies work by the laws of Quantum Physics. Sound moves emotions (low vibrational energy caused by trauma, negativity, grief, anger, fear, etc).
Will travel: (15 mile radius from my location for $40 travel fee).If outside the 15 mile radius, please contact to discuss travel fee.
$150 for 1 person
$200 for 2 - 3 people
$250 for 4 - 6 people
$325 for 7 - 9 people
$400 for 10 - 13 people
Space Clearing and Blessing

An energy blessing and/or cleanse is an environmental recharge of the good energies within your home, office or workplace. Just like our own bodies can collect unwanted energies and require a clearing so does our environment. Stagnant, stuck and sometimes negative energies can tend to interfere with a healthy lifestyle, home life, productivity and overall harmony. By clearing away these unwanted energies and revitalizing positive and uplifting energies, such things as; abundance, overall feeling of bliss, success, good health and tranquility can be restored. I first do a full clearing and cleansing of energy within the space, and then go back through and do a blessing throughout the space. I use many different tools besides just energy, such as: drums, rattles, sage, palo santo, incense, sound bowls, koshi chimes, and other items… depending on what the space needs and calls for. I can also incorporate crystals for additional protection, and create crystal grids based on your desires for an extra charge.
Basic Package Starting at $250
Please call to receive an accurate quote based on your needs.
Monthly maintenance package is available on an auto charge for a much smaller fee. This is available only after the initial package is purchased. This ensures your home, office, or workspace is regularly being cleared of unwanted, stagnant, and negative energies so you are able to have a healthy flow of energy in your environment. Please call to discuss further and the best option for your needs.